Section icon-arrow-downAllResidentialCommercialEducationPublic Spaces & ArtRefurbishmentNew BuildListed StructuresP&O Lighting FeatureSee the projectMentmore TowersSee the projectPerran FoundrySee the projectAtelier HouseSee the projectBaden-Powell CentreSee the projectHemis Monastic SchoolSee the projectSussex HouseSee the projectCity of WestminsterSee the projectEsher HouseSee the projectN08, East VillageSee the projectChelsea SquareSee the projectStratford ShoalSee the projectBury StreetSee the projectThe PyramidSee the projectChivalry RoadSee the projectFacit Tree HouseSee the projectBromptonSee the projectThe Rolling BridgeSee the projectThe Royal ExchangeSee the projectRingmore RiseSee the projectThree Oak LaneSee the projectUVA, SelfridgesSee the projectLondon BrickSee the projectWelbeck StreetSee the projectChalhoub PyramidSee the projectBoiler HouseSee the projectDrayton ParkSee the projectGibraltar House HotelSee the projectWater MeadowSee the projectHarvey NicholsSee the projectBlue CarpetSee the projectFeatherstone High SchoolSee the projectPaternoster VentsSee the projectSitooterieSee the projectFeatherstone School Sixth FormSee the projectAberystwyth Arts CentreSee the project